Church Planter – Central Asia

Open Enrollment
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The church planter will work to see a healthy local church established among an unreached people group. They will focus on building relationships, sharing the good news, and investing in those they identify as faithful to do the same.
Daniel Topf
(626) 616-7051



  1. Applicants for this opportunity will have to go through a background check
  2. and have a valid passport for international travel.


  1. Qualifications: The ideal candidate will have a mature walk with the Lord where they continually seek to grow in godliness and to abide in Christ. Experience in evangelism and discipleship is preferred. They do not need any specific higher education but should be able to handle the Word of God. This position is a long-term opening, as much of the work is still at the evangelism stage. The ideal candidate will also keep their efforts and various relationships before the Father in prayer.
  2. Accountability: The church planter is directly accountable to their team and team leader.
  3. Responsibility: The church planter will work on a team to provide mutual encouragement and accountability. They will: Establish local relationships Share the Gospel Identify disciples Promote maturity and healthy Christian living Develop leaders


  1. Participants for this opportunity have to be at least 18 years old.


  1. Applicants will start by filling out a detailed online application.
  2. Based on this application, the person can then be invited to RACE (Reciprocal Assessment & Candidate Evaluation), a 1-week event World Team organizes three times a year in Warrington, PA.


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